Simplon Foundation

The Simplon Foundation relies on a network of solidarity and inclusive factories that offer free training in technical digital professions in France and abroad. While promoting social diversity within its free training courses, Simplon specifically targets certain audiences who have been excluded from the workforce and the digital sector: young people who have dropped out of school or are excluded from the workforce, refugees, etc.
Priority partner of the Societe Generale Foundation's Africa Program since 2018 with its African Tech Bridge program, Simplon Foundation has developed, in conjunction with various partners in each country, a multi-country program (Senegal, Côte d'ivoire, Burkina Faso, Morocco, Tunisia, Cameroon), aiming in particular to consolidate the various actions initiated with a scaling up:
- digital initiation (Kids Coding)
- short training courses: strengthening of fundamental digital skills with a view to access to employment or the development of Income-Generating Activities (SAS Hackeuses)
- job training: training for young people who have been excluded from the workforce or who have dropped out of work as web and mobile web developers and digital consultants.
Simplon Foundation provides methodologies and tools developed by educational engineers based on active pedagogy and promotes the involvement of companies.