Project submission
The Societe Generale Foundation organizes calls for projects in the field of education and music. The call for education projects is limited in time and works on a campaign basis. The call for projects in music is permanent throughout the year.
To date, the Societe Generale Foundation has not organized a call for projects in the field of the environment and art.
The Societe Generale Corporate Foundation supports access to education and professional integration for the most vulnerable young people.
Projects to access entrepreneurship are supported by the Foundation via a collective led by the Fondation Entreprendre and will not be studied as part of this call for projects.
The projects supported concern a young audience under 30 years old, in a vulnerable situation.
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible, the project must be supported by a structure of general interest that meets the following conditions:
Structure that must be of general interest and eligible for sponsorship, within the meaning of Article 238 bis of the General Tax Code;
Has an annual budget of the structure greater than or equal to €200K (excluding the valuation of voluntary contributions);
Minimum seniority of two years at the time of project submission;
Structure whose head office is in France;
Adequacy: the action corresponds to the Foundation's areas of intervention in education and professional integration;
Public: the people supported are young people under 30 years of age, in vulnerable situations. Some projects, such as integration projects not specifically aimed at young people, will be studied if:
60% of the beneficiaries are under 30 years old. Due to the nature of the sector(s) of activity concerned, the public may be mostly young without this being a criterion for joining the site;
The structure sets up specific support towards employment for young people;
Geography: the project is located in France and is deployed in several departments. The project can also be deployed in the countries where the Group operates when it concerns several countries of operation;
Budget: the project is co-financed by public or private partners and the amount requested does not exceed 50% of the project budget.
The amount financed must not represent more than 30% of the total budget of the structure.
To find out if your application is eligible for financial support from the Societe Generale Corporate Foundation, please fill in the questionnaire below.
The Societe Generale Corporate Foundation does not finance:
One-off and event projects (festivals, student races, trade fairs, etc.);
Personal projects (trips, study trips, internships, theses and university dissertations);
Projects carried out by a religious, religious or political structure;
Non-contract schools;
Professional associations;
Student associations;
Companies, including those from the social and solidarity economy that are not eligible for sponsorship;
Support via scholarship schemes;
Traditional mechanisms for promoting gender diversity and equal opportunities programmes.
Project selection
The selection is carried out in three stages:
The Foundation's team will shortlist projects that meet the Foundation's criteria and priorities. An exchange will be held with the pre-selected project leaders to confirm the relevance of the project for support by the Foundation
Each project is evaluated by a selection committee composed of internal and external personalities, specialists in Education/Professional Integration subjects.
Projects are proposed to the Board of Directors, which validates or refuses support for the project and votes on the associated financial allocation in the event of support.
Submit your application
In its field of action "Education & Integration", the Foundation organises several calls for projects per year. There will be no calls for projects in the second half of 2024.

Financial support: The Societe Generale Foundation's support is long-term. It grants financial support over 3 years, renewable for 2 additional years.
Support for the change of scale: throughout its multi-year support, the Foundation remains attentive to its partners and can finance specific assistance (advice or support services) to enable them to progress in various areas: legal and social structuring, communication and fundraising, digital transition, etc.
Eligibility criteria
The Foundation finances:
- Structures of general interest that have been in existence for at least one year, legally domiciled in France
- Structures and projects led by professional musicians
- Formations from three musicians
- Structures or projects must be co-financed by public or private partners and the amount requested cannot exceed 15% of the project/structure budget. For structures whose project is indistinguishable from the corporate purpose, the budget communicated will be that of the structure
The Foundation does not fund:
- Projects by individual musicians (except in the case of instrument loans)
- Festival projects
- Projects for one-off events
- Audio and video recording projects
- Publishing projects
- Competitions
- Musical commissioning projects
Selection criteria
The values carried by classical music are consistent with those of the Societe Generale group. Strong personal investment inseparable from the orchestra's overall work, collective harmony born of mutual listening and sharing, the strength of collective playing transcending the sum of individual talents...
The application must be in line with at least one of the three areas of intervention of the Societe Generale It's You Are the Future Foundation:
- Stream music
- Supporting young people's first steps
- Opening up to new audiences
More concretely, any eligible project will be examined according to the selection criteria of the C'est vous l'avenir Foundation:
- Excellence: the Foundation wishes to support projects driven by artistic standards
- Innovation: the Foundation is committed to bringing out new players with an original and creative approach
- Sharing: the Foundation wishes to support projects that take into account the opening up to new audiences
Submission of the application
The Foundation offers the possibility to requesting musical structures to submit a grant application throughout the year, with deadlines for submitting applications corresponding to the calendar of its Boards of Directors.
The deadline of submitting the demands for the next board is Monday 14th April 2025.
The Foundation's support concerns projects effective from 2025;
File analysis process
- Receipt of the application: the Foundation receives applications throughout the year
- Analysis and examination of the file: the Foundation's operational team carefully analyzes all the applications received with a view to presenting them to the Board of Directors. You can be contacted by the Foundation's operational team for any additional information
- Compliance verification: using the documents provided as part of the application for support, each pre-selected structure is subject to compliance verifications, in connection with the regulatory obligations of the Societe Generale group
- Presentation of the project: all the applications are presented to the Foundation's decision-making bodies, its Board of Directors or its Selection Committees
- Support decision: a project is supported if:
- 1. compliance checks are validated and
- 2. it is approved by the Board of Directors
- Project support: the selected projects are carefully monitored and supported by the Foundation's operational team