Sport dans la ville

Created in 1998 in Lyon, Sport dans la Ville establishes and manages sports centres in priority neighbourhoods under the City Policy. All the programmes developed by the association promote the social and professional integration of 7,000 young people from underprivileged areas.

Societe Generale The Future is You Foundation supports the “Job dans la Ville” (Jobs in the City) project, which aims to develop the employability of young people in Sport dans la Ville via four programmes:
- The “Parcours découvert” programme for all young people in school from Year 10 (3ème) up to Baccalaureate
- The “Parcours passe décisive” for all young people who have dropped out of school or are having difficulty integrating
- The “Parcours emploi” for all young people looking for work
- The “Parcours ambition” for all young people in higher education