6 partner associations benefiting from the Challenge Move for youth
For the International Charity Day on 5 September 2022, the 50 associations that will be supported by the Move for Youth challenge were revealed.
From 15 to 25 September 2022, more than 17,000 Societe Generale employees in 57 countries will walk, run and cycle in order to rack up as many kilometres as possible, which will then be converted into donations for these associations. This in-house challenge will further uphold the commitments of the Societe Generale The Future is You Foundation, and bring them to the attention of every employee in every Group country.

The beneficiary associations were selected by employees in France and around the world. All of them advocate for youth education, in line with the foundation’s priorities and the commitments of the Societe Generale Group. Of the 50 associations selected, six are already partners of the foundation. These include:
- SOS Children's Villages is present in 137 countries and territories. The primary mission of SOS Villages d’Enfants is to provide holistic care for children and young people without parental care (taking responsibility for alternative care, education, health, training, employability, etc.).
- Terres en Mêlées : Terres en Melees accompanies the African sporting and educational communitý to use rugby to hatch the continent's future champions of sustainable development. Active in Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Morocco and Togo, Terres en Melees transforms rugby into a powerful educational lever for peace and gender equality.
- Apprentis d’Auteuil : Apprentis d'Auteuil, a foundation recognized as being of public utility since 1929, supports more than 30,000 young people and 6,000 families in need. It supports young people in difficulty through programs of education, training and integration to enable them to become free and fulfilled adults of tomorrow.
- Sport dans la ville : Created in 1998, Sport dans la Ville establishes and manages more than 50 sports centres in priority neighbourhoods under the city policy in 4 regions in France : Île-de-France, Hauts-de-France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.Together, the programmes developed by the association make it possible to restore equal opportunities in different districts and promote social and professional integration.
- Legrandbleu : The Grand Bleu association has a cradle-to-job approach, accompanying and monitoring young people over a long period of time through education through sport (swimming workshops and water sports practice sessions) and the professional integration of young people through training in water-related professions in Marseille.
- PlayInternational : PLAY International is a French NGO founded in 1999 based on one conviction: that sport is a source of solutions to social problems. The association designs and implements education and inclusion projects for children and young people in vulnerable situations, using sport and play as educational tools. Since its creation, the NGO has intervened in France and in 20 countries around the world, benefiting nearly 1 million children.
Join us on 15 September to follow our employees’ progress during the event, which will help support all of these projects!

Photo credit : Sport dans la ville