Play International

Play International

PLAY International (PLAY) is an association founded in 1999 with the conviction that sport is a source of solutions to our social challenges. Its mission is to design and implement education and inclusion projects for children and young people in vulnerable situations, using sport and sports games as educational tools. PLAY works on a number of themes related to living together, such as changing the way people look at disability, gender equality, community reconciliation, health prevention, environmental education, etc.


The Societe Generale Corporate Foundation You are the future is now supporting their training program for professionals in the field of education and animation in extracurricular and after-school settings, which will be implemented over a period of three years in four regions: Auvergne Rhône Alpes, Hauts de France, Ile de France and Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur. Through these training courses, PLAY International aims to offer innovative and adapted solutions to education professionals working with children from high-needs areas and to use sports to raise awareness among children from these areas about living together and citizenship, and to act to change their perceptions and, ultimately, their behavior.