
Fields of intervention: education and professional integration

Supporting education and professional integration of the most vulnerable young people

Basic knowledge

The Societe Generale Corporate Foundation supports projects to promote and facilitate the acquisition of basic knowledge: “reading, writing, counting”. This concept of "fundamental knowledge" is widely understood and includes the concept of respect for others and citizenship.

The Foundation thus supports projects that make it possible to act upstream, in prevention, and also actions targeted at young people presenting the most risks, the most vulnerable.

Financial education

The Foundation supports financial and budget education programs with a strong pedagogical content and adapted to young audiences.
The Foundation's purpose is thus to provide to young people the essential keys to the success of their personal project, or simply the keys to better manage their daily budget by avoiding financial difficulties. These projects contribute to their autonomy and their better understanding of economic issues.

Professional integration

The Foundation acts to give the keys to employability to those who are seeking their place in the world of work, starting with young people in difficulty. It supports the structures that support them on the path to independence by promoting access to training, the discovery of the professional environment, access to a first job.

By focusing on employment as a lever for inclusion, the Foundation aims to contribute to promoting sustainable and successful integration. 

The Foundation pays a particular attention to projects promoting integration to professions related to the digital and/or ecological transition.

Education and professional integration through sport & ducation through musical practice

For several years, the Foundation supports associations that use sport as a lever for education and inclusion in France and/or internationally in countries where the Group is established.

Indeed, sport has a strong impact on young people in its ability to reveal their potential, promote inclusion and remobilize. Through the sports projects supported, it aims to develop their values of team spirit, singleness and surpassing yourself.


The Foundation supports young education projects through classical music. Click here to learn more.

Countries of involvement

Always in France and internationally in the Group's countries of operation, when it is about a multi-country project,the Foundation supports projects that have the capacity to be factors of sustainable change for young people in vulnerable situations.


Methods of support

Financial support: to ensure continuity and support long-term projects, the Foundation favors multi-annual partnerships. It provides financial support over 1 or 2 years, or 3 years: 

  • You have never been supported by the Foundation: you can ask us over a period of one or two years for an amount between 50 and 100K euros/year.

  • You have already been supported by the Foundation: you can apply to us over a period of 3 years for the project already supported as part of a renewal. For some projects, the Foundation leaves itself the possibility of studying support on five years.

In any case, the project promoter cannot to submit several grant applications simultaneously.

Once the partnership has been established, other non-financial support and support arrangements can be considered, including skills sponsorship.

Skills sponsorship: because human support makes it possible to multiply the impact of the projects supported, Societe Generale encourages its employees to commit themself on their working time to bring their expertise and their capacity for action to the partner associations. There are many different formats: mentoring, pro bono days, occasional skills sponsorship missions, solidarity days, senior part-time...

In France, the Foundation has a platform for engagement on which partner associations can express their skills needs, the corresponding missions then being proposed to employees. 

The Societe Generale Corporate Foundation does not finance:

  • One-off and event projects (festivals, student races, trade shows, etc.)
  • Personal projects (travel, study visits, internships, theses and university memoirs)
  • Projects carried out by a religious, confessional or political structure
  • Private schools
  • Professional associations
  • Student associations
  • Companies, including those from the social and solidarity economy, not eligible for partnership
  • Support by scholarship schemes
  • Traditional mechanisms for promoting gender equality and equal opportunities programs