Nos Quartiers ont du Talent (NQT)

Nos Quartiers ont du Talent (“Our Neighborhoods Have Talent”) is an association that supports young graduates (at least 3 years post-secondary) under 30 from modest backgrounds in their search for a job or work-study programme or in launching a start-up by mobilising stakeholders through individual and collective mentorship. In 15 years, NQT has established itself in France and in the overseas departments as the biggest player in professional mentoring.
The Societe Generale Corporate Foundation is supporting the association’s growth. NQT wants to support more than 45,000 young people between 2021 and 2023, thanks especially to the digital transformation: in line with the measures put in place at the start of the pandemic, NQT is launching a digital matching application to offer services to young graduates and connect them to the world of work. The app will also make it possible to create the first alumni directory of young graduates from modest backgrounds and to recruit mentors more easily from former mentees in a “give back” logic.