La Cravate Solidaire

The La Cravate Solidaire association is built on an observation: having the material and knowledge necessary to master professional codes is not easy depending on the social environment in which we operate. In 12 territories, the association collects professional outfits, mobilises the expertise of skilled volunteers and makes them available to people seeking insertion to enhance the path of candidates and transmit professional codes.
The Societe Generale Corporate Foundation is supporting the association as it scales up. In particular, it wishes to strengthen its Coup de Pouce Workshops (image and HR coaching) and develop the Jeunes Pousses workshops (for young people). The objective is to double the number of supported candidates by 2024, namely 23,500 candidates including 13,500 young people under the age of 30 in the 12 existing regions (Bordeaux, Caen, Clermont-Ferrand, Le Mans, Lille, Lyon, Metz, Nantes, Paris, Pau, Rouen and Troyes) and in the new branches to come (Marseille, Rennes and Montpellier).