Social Builder : a multi-faceted partnership


Training women in digital jobs has been Social Builder’s mission since its launch in 2011. Since then, the association has trained and supported over 35,000 women.

The Societe Generale Foundation is a partner of one of its flagship programmes, “Women in Digital 93”, which is specifically aimed at vulnerable women in Seine-Saint-Denis.

Whilst its support was initially financial, it was soon enhanced with other aspects.


Refurbished equipment to support integration

The most recent aspect of this partnership emerged when Elise Moison, Head of Development and Training at Social Builder, was talking with the Societe Generale The Future is You Foundation’s team.

I’m one of those people who, if I need something, I’m happy to keep asking”, Elise explains. “I have learned the benefits of clearly and simply explaining our needs to our partners.”

This was not the first time that there were discussions on digital insecurity caused by the pandemic and the ensuing economic crisis. Various trainees were prevented from taking part in Social Builder training as their computers were too old or did not work, and they were unable to invest in a new computer.

I know that at a large company like Societe Generale, computers are upgraded on a regular basis. And I know that this equipment is sometimes donated”, Elise explains.

So when Elise received a call from Sarah at the Societe Generale Foundation, asking if she would be interested in fifty refurbished computers, she jumped at the chance.

Delivered to the association on a Tuesday morning, the computers were handed out to the trainees within forty-eight hours.

We had already asked women to indicate their requirements, so we had an idea of priority.

Christmas toys giving to Social Builder beneficiaries

Mentoring to help others

Remember, when Elise at Social Builder needs something, she says so. This also applies to mentors, as skills patronage is an important initiative at the community start-up.

The association’s goal is that each trainee should have a contact in the business world: something circulated amongst Societe Generale employees to encourage them to get involved.

Maryem, a project leader at La Défense, remembers this very well: a notice from Societe Generale The Future is You Foundation listed the associations it supported, as well as the opportunities to get involved. Maryem is particularly conscious of integration projects, especially those involving women, so she chose to work with Social Builder.

Very soon, she became a mentor to a woman with a very similar path to her own.

We both completed a Master’s degree in Eastern languages, but at different times. This instantly created a bond, a discussion, an understanding of our past. It led to a genuine supportive relationship.”


Continuing to offer support

But the partnership doesn’t end there. On International Women’s Day (8 March), Social Builder organised a jobs forum where Societe Generale had a stand to meet potential female candidates.

A very important contribution for Elise Moison (Head of Development and Training at Social Builder), which underlines the association’s mission: to help women to become financially independent, either by finding a job, becoming freelance or starting up their own business.

All our programmes are created around this same goal, and it is very beneficial to have partners who support us on the most difficult stretch of the journey: integration.

The Societe Generale group regularly reiterates its commitment to digital, as well as social and gender diversity in general. Social Builder’s actions naturally reflect the company’s initiatives!


Other opportunities for support have emerged this year: the Societe Generale Foundation invited Social Builder to the Empow’Her festival in September, allowing them to make the most of their stand to boost visibility.

Similarly, when the Foundation organised its special Christmas project, 23 children supported by Social Builder received gifts.

Every partnership is multi-faceted, sometimes with equipment donations or skills donations, sometimes the Societe Generale The Future is You Foundation or an SU - which is key to its success.