The Correspondances Ensemble dedicates an album to the Passion

CD correspondances

The Correspondances Ensemble, founded by organist and harpsichordist Sébastien Daucé in 2009, has recorded a new album entitled “Septem Verba et Membra Jesu nostri”. The album’s release - set for 26 March, 2021 - is sure to delight the ears of baroque lovers. The collection of sung airs is a perfect representation of the music of the 17th century, illustrating the Passion of Christ. Sébastien Daucé has chosen works by three German composers: Buxtehude, Schütz and Dijkman. The musicians of the Correspondances Ensemble perform the “Membra Jesu nostri” of Buxtehude, one of the masters of JS Bach, which illustrates the Seven Wounds of Christ through nine inspiring pieces. Heinrich Schütz’s “Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stund” and “Lamentum eller en Sorge Music by Lüdert Dijkman” complete the program of this album (Harmonia Mundi) and send music lovers back to the heyday of German music of Lutheran inspiration, striking a balance between purity and austerity. 

To listen and buy this record, follow this link