Employee commitment
Societe Generale Corporate Foundation’s financial support goes with our employees’ engagement and involvement, particularly in the area of solidarity.
In the classical music domain, our goal is to make it accessible to as many of our employees as possible by promoting practice at an amateur level and inviting them to multiple concerts. As such, Societe Generale Foundation produces around thirty concerts and masterclasses every year, performed by the musicians and ensembles supported each year. In addition, a ticket office offers tickets throughout the year for public concerts of our partners to which employees are invited so that the music can be shared with them.
Are you a Societe Generale employee?
Enjoy the benefits of the partnership with the Philharmonie de Paris.
Getting involved during working hours
To ensure that every employee can undertake community actions during working hours, the Foundation offers a wide variety of ways to get involved. From sharing their skills to assisting with the education or working path of a person in difficulty, providing periodic support to an association or participating in the collective solidarity events organised by the Group, everyone can contribute as they wish, according to how much time they have available. Societe Generale gives it employees the opportunity commit themself on their working hours for some associations partners of the Foundation.

Various forms of engagement
The pro bono day, or the one-time mission
Under the skills partnerships programmes, employees’ skills can be provided to associations on an ad hoc basis at no charge. By sharing their skills for a day or a session lasting a few hours, every employee has the opportunity to help an association to solve a specific issue. As such, employees deliver high value-added know-how in response to an identified need such as communication, marketing, human resources, etc. These days are organised with our partner Pro Bono Lab. The Foundation’s partner associations are regularly looking for volunteers for one-off and individual missions. Those programmes provide ways to forge uptake around the Group’s values and foster internal cohesion, by creating connections between employees while enhancing the teams.

Sponsorship & mentorship
For a few hours per month for six months to a year, employees can support a person in difficulty - for example, help a young secondary school student from a disadvantaged neighborhood to build his careers plan, a disadvantaged young graduate to succeed his entry to the job market or a refugee to integrate himself through work. Many of Foundation’s partner associations are continually looking for sponsors for their beneficiaries.
The solidarity day
From the request of a manager or a commited workmate, employees can get involved as a team and mobilize to help a Foundation association partner's to meet a logistic, event or ponctual need for a day. As example, in team employees can repaint or renovate some hemergency centers with Aurore, fix some toys with Rejoué or sort collected clothes during donations campagnes with la Cravate Solidaire.
The annual solidarity event
Every year,in wherever the Groupe is established, the Group helds a solidarity special event. Even if the formats differ according years and countries, the common thread remains the same : highlight employees engagement and the initiatives of the partners associations of Societe Generale Corporate Foundation or Group. The employees mobilize themself for young people through an international, sports, connected challenge for local and international associations working in the education and integration of young people.
Financial education
Societe Generale launched a financial education programme in 2013, in partnership with the Crésus association, to help young people understand the stakes of good budgeting and plan ahead more effectively. This involved a tailor-made board game to respond to these issues. More than 100,000 people have benefited from this project since its creation, thanks to the involvement of over 3,000 employees.
Part-time work for older employees
For employees who are approaching retirement, Societe Generale has designed a system that gives them the opportunity to work part-time in an association while remaining employed in their company. As such, their experience and expertise helps the host structure build up skills by receiving input from an experienced senior.