Singa France

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SINGA France is an international citizens’ movement that offers innovative solutions to integrate newcomers (mainly refugees) into society. The SINGA association’s mission is to create links between these newcomers and locals (mainly French citizens). In particular, the association is developing a programme to welcome refugees in private homes (CALM) and a professional integration programme through entrepreneurship.

The Societe Generale Corporate Foundation is supporting the association as it develops its inclusive entrepreneurship programme, which aims to encourage the economic initiative of refugees by providing them with the tools they need to build out their project through monthly one-on-one meetings, mentoring (Buddy Pro), workshops and free training. They also have access to a co-working space and networking events. This project is implemented in partnership with several structures within the SINGA network and with the technical support of local actors including: Positive Planet, Emmaüs, MakeSense, Each One, UniR, la Fondation des Possibles, Simplon and Maison des Réfugiés.